UC San Diego Classes Taught in the Last 3 Years
- S225: SIO187, Stat Methods in Marine Biology
- S125: SIO139, Current Research in Marine Bio
- SP25: SIO136, Marine Biology Laboratory
- SP25: SIO139, Current Research in Marine Bio
- WI25: SIO133, Marine Mammal Biology
- WI25: SIO187, Stat Methods in Marine Biology
- WI25: SIOG228, Research Seminar
- FA24: SIO132, Introduction to Marine Biology
- FA24: SIO136, Marine Biology Laboratory
- S224: SIO187, Stat Methods in Marine Biology
- S124: SIO139, Current Research in Marine Bio
- SP24: SIO136, Marine Biology Laboratory
- SP24: SIO139, Current Research in Marine Bio
- WI24: SIO133, Marine Mammal Biology
- WI24: SIO187, Stat Methods in Marine Biology
- WI24: SIOG228, Research Seminar
- FA23: SIO132, Introduction to Marine Biology
- FA23: SIO136, Marine Biology Laboratory
- S223: SIO187, Stat Methods in Marine Biology
- S123: SIO139, Current Research in Marine Bio
- SP23: SIO136, Marine Biology Laboratory
- WI23: SIO133, Marine Mammal Biology
- WI23: SIO139, Current Research in Marine Bio
- WI23: SIO187, Stat Methods in Marine Biology
- WI23: SIOG228, Research Seminar
- FA22: SIO132, Introduction to Marine Biology
- FA22: SIO136, Marine Biology Laboratory
- FA22: SIO136, Marine Biology Laboratory
- S222: SIO187, Stat Methods in Marine Biology
- S122: SIO132, Introduction to Marine Biology
- S122: SIO139, Current Research in Marine Bio
- SP22: SIO136, Marine Biology Laboratory
- SP22: SIO139, Current Research in Marine Bio
- WI22: SIO133, Marine Mammal Biology
- WI22: SIO139, Current Research in Marine Bio
- WI22: SIO187, Stat Methods in Marine Biology
- WI22: SIOG228, Research Seminar
- FA21: SIO132, Introduction to Marine Biology
- FA21: SIO136, Marine Biology Laboratory
- FA21: SIO136, Marine Biology Laboratory
- S121: SIO139, Current Research in Marine Bio
- SP21: SIO136, Marine Biology Laboratory
- SP21: SIO139, Current Research in Marine Bio
- SP21: SIO187, Stat Methods in Marine Biology
- SP21: SIOG228, Research Seminar
- WI21: SIO133, Marine Mammal Biology
- WI21: SIO139, Current Research in Marine Bio
- WI21: SIO187, Stat Methods in Marine Biology
- FA20: SIO132, Introduction to Marine Biology
- FA20: SIO136, Marine Biology Laboratory
- FA20: SIO136, Marine Biology Laboratory